Cold Brew

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cold Brew Coffee at Home

1. Gather Your Equipment:

  • You will need a large jar or pitcher, coarsely ground coffee beans, a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth, and filtered water.

2. Measure Coffee and Water:

  • For a standard cold brew concentrate, use a ratio of 1:4 coffee to water. For example, for every 1 cup of coffee grounds, use 4 cups of water.
  • Adjust the quantities based on the size of your container and your desired strength.

3. Combine Coffee and Water:

  • Place the coarsely ground coffee beans in the jar or pitcher.
  • Slowly pour the filtered water over the coffee grounds, ensuring all grounds are fully saturated.

4. Stir the Mixture:

  • Use a spoon or spatula to gently stir the coffee and water mixture, ensuring that all the grounds are fully immersed in the water.

5. Seal and Steep:

  • Seal the jar or pitcher with a lid or plastic wrap to prevent any contaminants from getting in.
  • Place the container in the refrigerator and let it steep for 12-24 hours, depending on your desired strength.

6. Strain the Cold Brew:

  • After steeping, remove the jar or pitcher from the refrigerator.
  • Place a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth over a separate container and carefully pour the cold brew mixture through it to strain out the grounds.

7. Filter (Optional):

  • For an even smoother cold brew, you can filter the strained mixture again using a coffee filter or a clean cloth.

8. Dilute (Optional):

  • If the cold brew concentrate is too strong for your liking, you can dilute it with water or milk to your desired strength.

9. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Pour the cold brew coffee into a glass filled with ice.
  • Add any desired sweeteners or flavorings, such as sugar, syrup, or cream.
  • Stir well and enjoy the smooth, refreshing taste of homemade Fonzie Abbott cold brew coffee.

10. Storage:

  • Store any leftover cold brew coffee in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 weeks.

At Fonzie Abbott, we understand the importance of reliable equipment that not only delivers exceptional performance every day but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your cafe. That's why we offer the latest technology from trusted brands like La Marzocco, available in a breathtaking array of custom colors and finishes. We believe that your equipment should be as impressive on the inside as it is on the outside, elevating both the functionality and the visual appeal of your cafe to new heights.


We want you to produce the best quality coffee each day and we have an amazing team to help you in all areas, from coffee training to technical support to marketing.



Over 10 Years of Refinement to Produce the Highest Quality Beans in Brisbane.

With our broad range of blends & single origins you're guaranteed to find the perfect beans for your customers.