
Step-by-Step Guide to Brewing Aeropress Coffee at Home

1. Gather Your Equipment:

  • You will need an Aeropress brewer, Aeropress filters, coffee grinder, digital scale, kettle, stirrer, and timer.

2. Boil Water:

  • Heat filtered water to around 80-85°C, slightly cooler than boiling.

3. Prepare Your Aeropress:

  • Place a paper filter in the Aeropress cap and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper taste.
  • Attach the cap securely to the chamber and set it on top of a sturdy mug or vessel.

4. Grind Your Coffee:

  • Weigh out approximately 15-20 grams of coffee beans, depending on your desired strength.
  • Grind the coffee to a medium-fine consistency, similar to table salt.

5. Add Coffee and Water:

  • Place the Aeropress on the scale and add the ground coffee to the chamber.
  • Start your timer and pour hot water over the grounds, saturating them completely. Aim for a 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio.

6. Attach Plunger and Brew:

  • Gently insert the plunger into the Aeropress chamber to create a seal.
  • Slowly press down on the plunger, applying steady pressure until you hear a hissing sound.

7. Serve and Enjoy you Sweet FA Coffee 


At Fonzie Abbott, we understand the importance of reliable equipment that not only delivers exceptional performance every day but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your cafe. That's why we offer the latest technology from trusted brands like La Marzocco, available in a breathtaking array of custom colors and finishes. We believe that your equipment should be as impressive on the inside as it is on the outside, elevating both the functionality and the visual appeal of your cafe to new heights.


We want you to produce the best quality coffee each day and we have an amazing team to help you in all areas, from coffee training to technical support to marketing.



Over 10 Years of Refinement to Produce the Highest Quality Beans in Brisbane.

With our broad range of blends & single origins you're guaranteed to find the perfect beans for your customers.